Data Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Acknowledgement: Upon completion of the evaluation process, data in your response will be public with the exception of trade secret data as defined and classified in Minn. Stat. § 13.37. For more information about data classification relating to grants, please refer to Minn. Stat. § 13.599.

 By completing and submitting this application you affirm the following: 

  1. I have read and understood the information provided above and I agree to supply DEED and their partners with the information requested. 

  2. I understand that the information may be used as described above in accordance with Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.

  3. I affirm that, as an officer or authorized agent of the business, I have authority to submit this application on behalf of the business, and the information submitted is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Program Terms & Conditions

Tennessen Warning Notice: We are requesting data from you to determine if you are eligible for a grant under the Providing Resources and Opportunity and Maximizing Investments in Striving Entrepreneurs (“PROMISE”) Act through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (“DEED”) and its partners. You are not required to provide the requested information, but failure to do so will may result in the denial of your application for this grant program. The data that you provide will be shared with DEED’s partner organizations who are authorized to provide grants to businesses under the PROMISE Act grant program. The data may also be shared with other government entities or individuals who have a legal right to this data including, but not limited to, the Office of the Legislative Auditor, the State Auditor, or as otherwise required or permitted by state or federal law or court order.

Fraud Warnings

MN PROMISE Act is committed to ensuring the integrity and security of our grant program. We understand the importance of safeguarding our applicants and grantees against fraudulent activities.

Application or Technical Assistance Scams

It is important to note that MN PROMISE Act, and all official partners do not charge any fees for technical assistance, application processing, or any other services related to the grant program. Be cautious of any individual or entity soliciting payment for such services, as they are not affiliated with our organization. If you encounter such solicitations, please report them to our team immediately.

Sensitive Financial Information

Our team will never request sensitive financial information, such as bank account details or credit card numbers, through [unsolicited communication channels]. Any request for financial information related to your grant award will only be made directly [ ....] via [ ...]. If you receive a request for financial information and are unsure of its authenticity, please exercise caution and reach out to our team directly for verification.

Reporting Suspicious Activity

If you encounter any suspicious activity or believe that you have been targeted by fraudulent behavior related to the grant program, we urge you to report it to our team immediately. Your prompt action can help us investigate and prevent further harm to our community.  Contact Information for Reporting:

Situation Alerts

1) Random organization solicits grantees for payment for TA or applicant support.

2) Applicants are targeted for financial information and someone posing as NDC tries to get their financial information under the guise of needing it for their award.